What’s Involved

Bring the museum to your classroom or group and get hands on with history at your own pace. Use this curated box of handling objects to spark conversations and reflect on changes over time.

This domestic life is perfect for meeting Key Stage 1 National Curriculum topics including History, Mathematics, Art, Design and Technology, Science and PHSE. This box has been given a revamp and now contains more objects and more teacher-focused resources, with lots of ideas for how to investigate the objects with your class. The objects fall into several categories, including 'keeping up appearances', 'making the most of food', 'care and repair', 'baking, making, breaks and treats', 'fetching food and drink', 'wash day' and 'routine clean'.

The box is also perfect for reminiscence, with objects intended to prompt conversations and memories.

What's in the box

  • Dolly tub for washing clothes in
  • Copper posser for agitating clothes in dolly tub to get dirt out
  • Metal scrubbing board for scrubbing dirty clothes against
  • Wicker carpet beater – rugs were hung over washing line and beaten with this to remove dust
  • Clothes for pretend wash session using the items above
  • Cotton apron - can be used for dressing up
  • Mop cap – can be used for dressing up
  • Washing tongs for picking washed clothes out of a dolly tub
  • Washing line – this can be hung up across the classroom or community room
  • Wooden pegs for hanging washing on the above washing line
  • Old fashioned home made clothes pegs
  • Flat iron – this would have been heated on the kitchen range or fire.
  • Reckitt’s dolly blue for adding to washing to make white clothes white
  • Lanolin soap
  • Fairy soap
  • Wire carpet beater
  • Two household brushes
  • Chamber pot
  • Donkey stone for cleaning the front door step
  • Hair dryer
  • Storage tin with metal curlers, hair grips, comb and hair pins
  • Brycreem jar
  • Brylcreem advert
  • Anti-macassar cloth
  • 1lb weight for weighing food on a set of scales
  • Half pint measurer for buying liquids such as milk
  • Pair of butter pats for shaping and forming a block of butter
  • Mouli grater
  • Egg holder
  • Tin of Sainsbury's pears (replica)
  • Sainsbury's vinegar bottle
  • Glass jar
  • Pickling spice jar
  • Seed pack
  • Strage tin containing sewing items
  • Velan/belan - chapatti rolling pin
  • Chapati press
  • Press for making gathiya
  • Candle for birthday cake
  • Ginger beer bottle by Barrett of Ashton
  • Booklet: 120 Ways with Bread
  • Booklet: Bird’s Pastries and Sweets
  • Booklet: Every Housewife’s Guide Book
  • Booklet: Subtle Seasoning with Lea and Perrins


Teacher guide

Themed object information cards

Curriculum-connected pupil journals

Local archive photos and 'chatty cards' to get you talking

Please note: All ‘Museum In A Box’ loan boxes need to be collected from and returned to Portland Basin Museum. As these loan boxes are part of our handling collection, from time to time we may need to remove or replace some objects.

The box dimensions are approximately 520mm x 440mm x 310mm

Cost: £43 per week (or £7 per day for community groups) from 1 April 2025