What's Involved

Let the museum come into your school. One of our skilled costumed facilitators will deliver our World War 2 workshop within your classrooms.

Timings: The sessions usually last 60 to 90 minutes but we can arrange flexible timings to fit around your school day; perfect if you are a multiple entry school or would like the workshop delivering to more than one class.

Costs: £192 for half a day (up to 3 hours)/ £384 for a full day (up to 6 hours)

Meet a member of the Home Guard or Women’s Voluntary Service (WVS) and experience what life was like for families in England during the Second World War. Through role play and activities you will explore everyday life including evacuation and rationing, and even make a tasty wartime snack!
Undertake activities to understand the abrupt changes brought about by war, like food rationing and ‘make do and mend’, the evacuee programmes, blackouts and Air Raid Precautions including gas masks. Led by a costumed facilitator in character, participants will work together to enact, enquire, empathise and problem solve their way through the impact the Second World War had on life at home.

Learning Opportunities

  • Pupils will be able to identify and discuss what it was like to be an evacuee during World War Two.
  • Pupils will understand what rationing was, why blackouts were important and the role of the ARP warden.

Extend Your Experience

Why not book to borrow a Museum in a Box? We have boxes on a wide range of topics, each packed with objects and ideas to spark conversations and curiosity in your class.