What’s Involved

Let the museum come to you and get hands on with history at your own pace. The Roman Empire brought about huge change in Britain, and its legacy remains today. Aimed at Key Stage 2, use this curated box of handling objects and curriculum-connected resources to spark conversations and support your Romans topic.

Introduce and explore Roman religion and rulers, childhood, food and cooking, and culture and conquest.  This loan box contains real and replica objects to bring Roman Britain to life.

What's in the box


  • Fake Roman food: 1 x celery, 2 x grapes, 1 x apple, 1 x pear
  • Mortarium mixing bowl (replica)
  • Roman pottery fragments
  • Jar of lentils + jar of coriander seeds
  • Ancient Rome Gods and Emperors Top Trumps card set
  • Bag of Roman coins (replica)
  • Roman sculpted heads [possibly doll head- modern plaster casts]
  • Wax tablet + stylus (replica)
  • Roman soldier style helmet (replica)
  • Roman sandals (replica)
  • Photo pack: Romans and their origin
  • Roman oil lamp (replica)


  • Teacher guide (including some extra information about the Romans in Tameside)
  • Object information cards
  • 4 different activities (aimed at KS2)

Please note: All ‘Museum In A Box’ loan boxes need to be collected from and returned to Portland Basin Museum. As these loan boxes are part of our handling collection, from time to time we may need to remove or replace some objects.

The box dimensions are approximately 520mm x 440mm x 310mm

Cost: £43 per week (or £7 per day for community groups) from 1 April 2025